
Welcome to the registration page of Learning Inclusion. You can fill in the details available in the form below and register yourself to this website. After successful registration, you will get an email with link to activate your account. Once you activate your account, you will be a part of Learning Inclusion family and can log in to use all of our services.

If you already have an account with use, please login instead.

Registration Form

  • Name

  • Upload You can upload a profile picture to be used through out this website. The picture can be in following format: .jpg, .jpeg, .gif, .png, .bmp
  • Diversity Information

  • Why do we ask this question

    We want to make our platform accessible for all users including those with disabilities and provide same learning experience for all. Thus, we need to make sure who our users are and if any further modification is required to make our platform accessible and usable to them.
  • If you would like, please tell us about your disability type, so that we can better know about your requirements.
  • Contact Info

  • Please enter your address in detail. Eg: Battisputali, Kathmandu or Belbari-3, Morang
  • About Yourself

  • Please use this space to tell us more about you. Like what you love to do, what are visions, aspiration or anything you would feel like sharing.
  • If you are associated with an company, school or organization, please write about it here.
  • Account Security

  • Minimum length of 8 characters.
    The password must have a minimum strength of Medium
    Strength indicator
  • Agreement