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Frequently Asked Questions
What is Learning Inclusion?
Learning Inclusion is an inclusive online platform that offers courses related to Inclusion and Accessibility.
Who can take a Course here?
Anybody. Our platform is open to all.
Are the courses Free or Paid?
Learning Inclusion will offer both free and paid courses. The course box will notify the users if that is a free or a paid course.
Do I need to register to take a course?
Yes. Even if the course is free, you will have to register and make an account at Learning Inclusion to take our course.
Are there any charges to register in this platform?
Absolutely No. The registration to this website is and will always be free. We will also offer a number of free courses that you can take without any cost.
I am a person with visual impairments. How can I use your platform?
Our platform is fully accessible to screen readers. We have followed Web Content Accessibility Guideline while building this website. So you can easily access our courses like everybody else.
I am person with hearing impairment. How can I use your platform?
All of our videos course have an option to show video with Nepali Sign Language. In addition, all of these courses have subtitles both in Nepali and English Language.
I don’t know English very well. What do I do?
No Problem. Our whole website as well as courses are available in Nepali Language as well.
Where can I see more information on Accessibility of this website?
We have compiled all Accessibility related information in Accessibility Page.
What is mean by Accessible Platform?
It means that our website can be used by all users including those with disabilities with ease. We have followed principle of digital accessibility closely.
Can we add our course here?
Yes. Absolutely. If you course is somehow related to inclusion or other development issues, we would love to partner with you. Please contact us and we will get in touch with you.